Falconry of the Vogelpark Steinen

Falknerei im Vogelpark Steinen
Falconer Gisbert Kasten jun., Leader of the Falconry

The falconry area with approximately 600 seats is situated near the park entrance on an easily accessible raised area. It offers a wonderful view of the beautiful countryside surrounding the Bird Park of Steinen.

A special event for young and old alike is the amazing, daily bird of prey displays with eagles, falcons and owls at 11am and 3pm.

Team of Falconers:
Gisbert Kasten jun. (Leader of the Falconry),
Andrea Kasten, Sabine Friedrich

The shows are held exclusively in German.

A fascinating bird of prey show, lasting approximately 40 minutes, unique in its presentation.
Falconer Andrea Kasten, Falconry assistant

A fascinating bird of prey show, lasting
approximately 30 minutes, unique in its presentation.

Here you can learn everything worth knowing about falconry and the birds of prey, as well as the protection of birds of prey, the dangers facing birds of prey, their particular abilities and the significance of the birds of prey for the balance of nature.

To ensure an undisturbed Birds of prey flight display visitors to the park must use the entrance to the falconry by means of the path marked with dog symbols. You can then tie your dog to the protective wall while the display is taking place. From here it is possible to enjoy fully the display also.

Zirkusreife Flugvorführungen
The falconer with his flying acrobats.


In case of heavy continuous rain, storm or heat there is an alternative program, because the birds of prey cannot fly then. The birds of prey are presented individually below the falconry arena at the covered pergola and everything worth knowing about the respective bird of prey is explained. 

The birds of prey flying display is followed at 12noon and 4pm by the supervised feeding of the Barbary apes. The enclosure is situated opposite the falconry arena.

Between the two areas of the falconry arena and the Barbary apes enclosure there are open air terraces, a light refreshment stand and a cafe for light snacks. Here you have the opportunity to drink a coffee or eat a snack.